Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

I've heard of these and I guess over the years I've even participated in some - holding doors open, getting up on the train, digging out extra change to help someone in line. You know things that used to be common courtesy. Seeing someone in need and helping them out.

I've been thinking alot about the vicissitudes of life and trying to assimilate some of my recent experiences into my understanding of myself. It's been a tough couple of years for us. I was very sick (thankfully I've recovered) and Dylan's knee travails are certainly well-documented on Facebook. We are struggling through a recession that has hit the architecture/engineering/construction industry faster and harder than many others and trying to keep a sense of perspective and humor about it all. This Christmas we are lucky to find ourselves in a better position than in prior years and I have enjoyed shopping and tormenting the kids with presents and really unhelpful clues. For example, there is not a grapefruit in any of your christmas packages. This seems to infuriate them and, well, that's what I was hoping for so - yeah me!

As usual, I'm not making the point I set out to make which is - Random Acts of Kindess. This morning, Pat surprised me by getting up first, emptying the dishwasher, AND driving Dylan to school! Someone still thinks that Santa is watching! Having the luxury of time this morning I did what any self-respecting person would do - I wasted it. Well, I wrapped the dog's gifts and annoyed Emma. So all-in-all a good morning.

I dropped Emmie at the bus stop at 8 and headed off to work but first I stopped at Dunkin Donuts on South Meadow to get a coffee. There was a line so I had a few minutes and it occurred to me to make a stranger smile. I pulled up to the window and asked the clerk how much was the order in the car behind me. It turned out to be only a couple of bucks and I told him to add it to my order. When he asked me if I had a message for them, I said, "Tell them Merry Christmas!"

Take the opportunity to surprise yourself. You might just be glad you did.

Merry Christmas!

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