Wow, it's been a whirl-wind week. I can honestly say, one of the longest of my life. I'm glad the drama is over and we're settling back into our routines.
I love closure so thought I should assess the aftermath; I'm surprised at how many positives I can identify.
Positive 1
The high school program is in the hands of a capable new head coach. Pat has spoken with him several times and he's impressed with his knowledge and passion for the game. He expects great things from these young men and he'll be in attendance at as many games as possible. His biggest worry through this whole thing was that the program would suffer needlessly. So far that seems unlikely.
Positive 2
Dylan likes the new coach as well. He's still not cleared to play but the coach has kept him on as team manager and is using him in drills and warm-up consistent with what his doctor allows. Dylan and Pat are planning his lacrosse comeback with determination and precision. I'm thrilled to see Dylan's work ethic kick up a notch.
Positive 3
Pat's still coaching. He's back at the youth level. It's a good place for him. He's great at fundamentals and is really great at engaging kids and keeping them interested. He's a positive and happy person and that's infectious. I've told him for years he should really be an elementary school teacher.
Positive 4
I was worried about Emma. When this first started, I noticed that she was closed-in and complaining of stomach pain. Something that I haven't seen from her in over a year. Emma, for the uninitiated, had a pretty serious anxiety problem when she was younger. I was worried this was the beginning of a back-slide. It wasn't!! We talked about it and we moved on. A clear sign that the anxiety that plagued her for the first 11 years of her life is, finally, managed! How amazing is that!?
Positive 5
Our family and friends. Wow, did they rally. I expected the family, especially the sisters. That's what we do. It's who we are. Family first and forever. No questions. Don't want Dad coming back and snatching us all bald-headed! Other family rallied as well. Cousins, cousins-in-law, friends we consider family.
Another positive from this event, we've reconnected with friends that had drifted away due to schedules and busy lives. Pat and I are committed to making sure we don't drift apart again. Their support and, in some cases, unvarnished opinions, helped tremendously.
Some of the silence has been deafening from family and those we considered friends. We've also made new friends from this and we're both glad for the gift of more amazing people in our lives. Not everyone gets to learn who their true friends are.
Positive 6
My family. Meaning, Pat and the kids. We did a lot of talking this week. We talked so much I actually wished I could stop talking! I know right! Don't think that's happened in like, ever!
We've always trusted our kids with the truth. We did this time as well. They didn't let us down. They really are remarkable people and I can't wait to see the grown-ups they become. The way Pat handled himself was a true lesson for both of them on courage and honesty. I hope they are both able to refer back to this episode to inform actions in their lives.
Positive 7
Our relationship. Pat's and mine. I really didn't think I could love that knobby-headed freak anymore than I did, but I do. This could have put us in a dark and ugly place but we wouldn't let it. We faced this like we face everything, united and as a team. We've become stronger for our experience.
He surprised me last night. He called me and asked me if I'd like to go out with him. On a date. A real date. Just he and I. At a restaurant. That has waiters! I jumped (not literally) at the chance.
I love you Pattycakes now more than ever.
That's about all the positives I can manage right now. I'm sure more will crop up later.
All in all, not a bad week.
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