Comes with web savvy and an incredible collection of handbags
I love technology. Just about all of it really. But computers and the internet have to be my favorites. The internet is just made of win. On the internet I have a couple of favorite places, Facebook being my current number one. This blog is another. I'm also a HUGE fan of the dvr.
But this blog is about more than what I like.
I want something.
Two somethings, actually.
They're simple things, The technology exists; all it needs is a movement. A demand. A full-blown temper tantrum if that's what it takes. I'm prepared to do what needs doing. My only problem, and this kills me to say, is that if it's only me ranting, no one will listen. We need a movement. A well-planned and organized movement. I, of course, will lead this movement since it was my idea and I am, after all, a spoiled brat.
Demand One
A LIKE button. For all things electronic (to start). All news stories, emails, blogs, blog posts, online retail items (especially bags), everything and anything. I find myself irritated and frustrated when I can't register my appreciation for something because the LIKE button is not there. NOT THERE. Why is it not there?
Who do I see about this? I demand a LIKE button.
Demand Two
A rewind button. FOR EVERYTHING! Not just for the dvr. No. I want a rewind button for everything. Radio, check! Kids, check! Pat, check x infinity. It goes hand-in-hand with the pause and fast-forward buttons that I'll be demanding next.
Who's with me?
Yes times infinity!!