I hate my hair! There I said it. Well I say it all the time. And every time I say it, Pat rolls his eyes and tries to get away. Ha, fat chance Pattycakes! My hatred only boils over when I need a cut, a color, or for it to cooperate in some way. So, yeah just about everyday I have some sort of hair hissy fit!
I hate people who have easy hair. You know who you are, it dries before you even get out of the shower. Yeah, you. HATE! If I put my hair in a pony while it's wet, leave it there all day, my hair will STILL BE WET when I take the pony out 17 freaking hours later. WET! Still, after 17 hours. Are you freaking kidding me!
Most days, I give in without a fight. Wash, brush and toss a headband on and out the door I go. After all, I'm only going to work. But there are days that I decide I'm going to tackle it. It's not a small job and not one for the easily intimidated. For I have lots and lots of hair and it is used to getting its own way.
It's an epic struggle. Most battles last between 30 and 45 minutes and I have instances where I have spent more than an hour doing my hair -- an hour, on.my.freaking.hair.
As I gel and dry and brush my hair into submission - I talk to myself; well, really mutter and swear but people already think I'm crazy so no more fuel for that fire! I'm generally happy with the result - at first. Doing my hair, really doing it, is not a once a day thing. It is a constant campaign to keep it from overwhelming my head and face. It takes enormous amounts of hairspray, product and precisely timed trips to the ladies room for maintenance. It does not like wind, rain, sun, humidity, crying babies, or hair that looks better than it. When confronted with any of these things, it immediately collapses into a snarl of jealousy and confusion. An irretrivable mess that ends with me tossing on a headband - or if I'm feeling particularly stylish - my sunglasses. Another battle fought; another battle lost.
By now, lonely reader, you must be wondering why I put up with such an unholy time suck. It's simple really -I'm vain. Oh, and for that brief moment when it's first done, my hair looks freaking awesome!
I love your hair!! I guess the hair is always...um...greener?? Another blog that made me LOL! Not at your hair though!
ReplyDeleteThanks... it's a love/hate thing really.
ReplyDeletewell at least you are not blaming me for all the trial hair styles I put you through. But cuttiing often, is not always making it thick... ask Tracey. But I loved doing everyones hair on the front steps growing up. You always had easy hair to cut and style. And don't worry about doing your hair everyday, people might have a hard time seeing your halo!!
ReplyDeleteha ha ha I had my bangs cut by Debbie on the front stairs when I was 8! lol.
ReplyDeleteI am the opposite my hair is fine and has no volume it takes me a long time just to add some volume and then in one hour it's flat again the longer it gets the finer it looks the shorter my hair the better.