Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Growing up me

I wasn't an easy teenager -- I've been told that enough times. My father would just look at me and shake his head. I was considered the "strange" one in the family -- and considering the circus I was raised in, that was quite an achievement!

Chaos reigned. When I was a teenager there were aunts and cousins and other people coming and going at all times. I think at one point we could make every family connection: mother, father, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, cousin, niece, and nephew.  13 people living full-time in an 8 room house with 1 bathroom. On the weekends and during the summer that number could swell to over 20 with the addition of random cousins, a weekend foster child, and various friends. Oh, and a dog and cat! Jim never turned anyone away; except for boyfriends, those he turned away.

Big Barbara (my mom) has an expression, "We didn't have much but boy did we have fun!" Every time she says it, I look at her as if she's lost her mind. Where was the fun in all that daily chaos?

Occasionally, I look back and wonder "what if?"  What if my family had been different? What if I had made better grades? What if I had said no instead of yes? What if I had said yes instead of no? What if I stayed in the neighborhood? What if I had married someone from the neighborhood? What if I decided not to go back to school? What if I had never met Pat?

These questions are not because I'm unhappy in my life; I'm not. I ask them because it's my nature. I seek answers and explanations for everything. You know, bring a bit of order to chaos. I love Pat and the kids more than anything in the world and I like the person I am and the life I have made. I am who I am because of who I was.

Looking back through the lens of time, we did have fun. It was a weird sort of fun but everyone loved being at Sheridan Street, so maybe Mom's not so crazy after all -- hahaha whom I kidding, that woman is certifiable!


  1. OMG I was one of 20 or so people hanging around the Mulvey house especially in the summer months. I loved it at your house, playing in the yard, tanning in the driveway, being tortured by you and Tracy I miss everything about that era of my life and have no regrets...maybe one Damn it Laura for losing my Barbies shoe! never did get over that! any who hanging at the Mulvey's was always adventurous always fun and always interesting, I idolized you, was besties with Laura, thought Patty was quite possibly the smartest person I knew, Loved Debbie and feared Tracy. all in all I have some of my best childhood memories thanks to the Mulvey's... Thanks guys I had a blast!!

  2. Hahaha... and we loved having you to torment. Still sorry about that disco thing (and I'm sure Tracey is sorry about Santa)... lol

    You always were like the sixth Mulvey sister (still are)! Don't forget Judi killing your pet rock!

  3. I too grew up in that house and had the samethings happen to me. However I think as the oldest things in some matters were so different. But that is my own blog, someday. But you are right we may not have much but we did have fun. I think it helped to shape us all.
    Who we were, who we are and with a little from the past, a little from the present each of us has great tools to land were we want to be. I would not change but maybe a few things.
    Loved the Sheridan St. crowd, aunts, uncles, nana, cousins, extended friends mom babysat for,foster child on the weekends. I often thought if we did have a stranger at the dining room table eating with us I am pretty sure we would have never known. LOL
    Patrice, you are so right, hanging at our house was cool, we did have the cool mom on the street, baked while we were at school, cooked, cleaned, cared for who knows how many kids daily but there was always room for more. I would find myself walking up the hill trying to figure out who was going to be behind that door!As the girls grew the crowd changed, and as many sisters as I had I know found extra sisters or boys that were like brothers.
    But the best part I hope for Growing up me was being a sister. For me they made my home a happy place for me as different as we are I would not change a thing, love them all.

  4. Deb, I would love to read your blog!

  5. Oh my, one bathroom.... I am enjoying your blog, thank you for sharing....
