Friday, February 11, 2011

JP is my kind of place...

Growing up I don't remember any specific goals. I was more concerned with social activities. The who, what, why, where and how of my weekends. Really that's what I cared about. That was the sum of me.

     WHO was I going with?
     WHAT was I going to do?
     WHY was I going to do it? Duh, because I could.
     WHERE was I going to do it?
     HOW never really did matter much to me. Still doesn't.

I lost track of many that shared those experiences but through the magic of Facebook I have been granted a glimpse into the people they have become. I have to say: Well Done JPers. Well Done indeed.

We have started and raised families (some are busy on the next generation - slow down, take a breath, it's not a race); we have started businesses that employ and sustain others and our community; we have protected our country and continue to protect our streets and homes; we have roamed; and we have stayed.

We've suffered the loss of friends and family. We endure. We kick ass. Then as now. The world showered us with adversity, experience, love, hate, bitterness, and strife. And we, what did we do, we took it. We bent our experiences to our will and we made it work. I am amazed at the people I knew and I'm glad that I get to know them again.

Our experiences aren't unique, but we are. Oh hell ya. We are real and we are spectacular!

Read my latest take on parenting


  1. Well said... once a JP girl always a JP matter the age or time you lived it.. we are still that unique group of people know simply as you put it JPers!

  2. Exactly. And so many were written-off as lost causes and that never happened. They perservered and prospered. Amazing.
