That’s right SIXTY. Out of the 242 elected Republicans in the House of Representatives the “Tea Party Caucus” is 60 strong. Less than ¼ of elected Republicans.
Are you fucking kidding me?!
What do they stand for, you may be asking.
Here is an excerpt from one of there odious websites uses this to explain their mission: “…individuals united by our core values derived from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill Of Rights as explained in the Federalist Papers…”
Or, as I see them, petulant children that don’t like that their country is changing and modernizing. They march in parades and hand out pamphlets of the Constitution as if they are the only ones who have read and understand it. Yeah, kind of all done with them. When they’re not busy marching and making stuff up, they stomp around Congress until their demands are met.
What, you ask, is their main demand?
Changing the Constitution.
Jaw-droppingly hypocritical don’t you think?
Let’s take a look at these individuals. I’ve highlighted the Freshman members; listed here in alphabetical order. For a full listing click here: Tea Party Caucus
Sandy Adams (FL-24): Sandy is busy making sure that the USA doesn’t get duped into destroying the Constitution by not using international law in ANY court decision. Also wants the rich to not have to pay more in taxes and supports deregulation.
Diane Black (TN-06): One of the Evangelical members and, funny enough, one who wants to amend the Constitution. Has she even read it? Her legislative claim to fame: close the loophole in the health care law that would allow some middle class Americans to qualify for Medicaid.
One of her aides was responsible for sending an email around depicting a collection of portraits of United States Presidents showing current President Barack Obama as a black frame with only eyeballs visible. How charming and how very, very Christian.
Bill Cassidy (LA-06): Hasn’t sponsored or co-sponsored any legislation. White bred generic tea party republican.
Jeff Duncan (SC-03): Boy does he have the stuff or what. Club for Growth just loves him! Plus, plum committee assignments. Wants to abolish all foreign aid (apparently because other countries are mean to us) and amend the Constitution. Why do they hate the Constitution so much? Also, wants to privatize much of what government does.
Blake Farenthold (TX-27): Got himself some good committees to sit on. He introduced legislation to require Federal agencies to show receipts and expenditures every two weeks on agency websites. Like that’s not going to be an enormous time suck. Honestly. The stupid it burns.
Stephen Lee Fincher (TN-08) This sums it up nicely: his company has received $8.9 million in farm subsidies over the past decade, mostly from the cotton program, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. He also received a $13,650 grant to help buy grain hauling and storage equipment from the state Department of Agriculture in 2009 as part of the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program.
Oh guess it’s not welfare if you’re not poor. His legislative works include this: To amend the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 to extend the suspension of the limitation on the period for which certain borrowers are eligible for guaranteed assistance.
Vicky Hartzler (MO-04): Another Evangelical who’s protecting us from the gays.
Tim Huelskamp (KS-01): Endorsed by all the big guns: club for growth, mike huckabee, concerned women for America his biggest legislative contribution is making sure he keeps us safe from the gays and the unions. Also hates the Constitution.
Jeff Landry (LA-03): Ding, ding, ding, we have the winner. This is the guy who threw the Constitutional Amendment into the works. Why does he hate the Constitution? Oh, wait, seems as if Mr. Landry wants the government to make sure natural resources are cleaned up? Who’s going to pay for that Mr. Landry?
David McKinley (WV-01): Here we have the co-sponsor of Cut Cap and Trade. Plus he hates the EPA.
Mick Mulvaney (SC-05): He’s hard at work co-sponsoring legislation to make certain that the legislation already enacted is enacted again. Plus a Constitution hater. Plus, the gays. Oh, and abortion.
Rich Nugent (FL-05): Mike Huckabee thinks he’s a good guy! Busy on the “Legislation Already Enacted Committee.” Plus farm subsidies are good, clean air is bad.
Dennis Ross (FL-12): Hates the EPA and the Federal Government. Also hates the Constitution. Plus his website sucks.
Tim Walberg (MI-07) – Another Club for Growth boy. Climate change denier. That’s about it.
Joe Walsh (IL-08): Doesn’t like to pay child support (currently owes more than $100K in back support). Talks to the media a lot but no legislative history. ALEC loves him. Believes global warming is a hoax.
Allen West (FL-22) – Yes the lovable Allen West. He’s legislative record is a laundry list of lunacy. Including the popular tea party pastime of relegislating items that have already been voted and approved. No tax payer money wasted there. Abortion, health care… blah, blah, blah.
So there you have it. Your “Tea Party Patriots”! They hate government regulations and welfare, well unless it’s corporate welfare and then it’s a fight to the front of the line. They hate the gays and they’re on a mission from god to save “Traditional” marriage (you know the ones where 50% end in divorce).
They want to waste precious taxpayer money relegislating legislation that already exists just to make sure we all know that they mean business. For example, HR 3, No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. This was legislated already in 1976 as the Hyde Amendment. Plus, they want to amend the Constitution. A lot (link to my blog about Failed Amendments). You know the one they’re sworn to uphold and protect.
They want to dismantle the Federal Government and they don’t care what happens because they are selfish, self –indulgent ideologues. Some of whom believe we are living in the end of days.
That’s right folks. End of Days. Like biblical revelations time. The apocalypse.
All the natural disasters this year that rational people attribute to climate change. Nope, Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed.
Those are the lunatics that are in charge in this country. In 2011.
Shit, maybe the Mayans are right after all.