That was what I said to Pat just before he decided to propose. What, I know how to seize an opportunity. Don't judge me.
We were in a bar in Baltimore. It had peanut shells on the floor and it kind of smelled. Don't remember the name of the bar. I could ask Pat but I don't feel like listening to the first time he went to that bar and who he was with. He can't just answer a simple question. No, that would be too easy. Instead he would rather see how long it takes me to have an actual stroke while he tries to remember the name of the kid who sat in front of him in third grade. Which, who cares! It's not even important to the story. Anyway, blood pressure is rising just thinking about it. Moving on.
We went ring shopping when we got back to Boston. I'm a low-maintenance jewelry girl. Not that I don't have expensive and impeccable taste it's just that I have a tendancy to lose and/or demolish things. All things. Especially shiny expensive things. Ask Pat about my Museum Watch. Yeah, took it off and put it in my pocket then I WASHED it. He still gets mad about that. I still have it. As a reminder. It sits, patiently, in my jewelry box waiting for the opportunity to mock me. And Pat.
Wow, I'm moving WAY off track tonight.
Poor Pat wants to be a romantic. He married the wrong girl. I don't want candle-light and rose petals. I don't want breakfast in bed. Want to be romantic, do the laundry (which he does), make dinner (or pick it up). I want real world stuff. Not hokey Hallmark crap.
He really puts up with so much. He should be sainted. Honestly. I'm not an easy person to deal with. I'm pretty low-key most of the time. No really. I'm fine until I'm not fine. Unfortunately for those around me, that goal post moves. A lot.
I'm thankful every day that he stuck it out. When we met, I wasn't interested in a relationship. I just wanted to party and have fun. I was coming out of a failed marriage and was looking for a good time. Then I met Pat. Eddie introduced us. Kept telling him he should ask me out. He kept asking. I finally said yes. I remember our first date. I went to his place in Field's Corner. He bought a pizza.
I never left.
Happy anniversary Pattycakes! We met 20 years ago and on Sunday we'll be married 18. You're the best man in the world for me and I'm so glad that I get to be your wife.