Oh, I'm a bad person. Really and truly. I have let so many things go this past month. My blog, my house, my volunteering, my job, my family.
What, I hear you asking, has taken over my life to the exclusion of all else? How, you must be thinking, has this happened? It's really rather silly and innocuous. Like so many addictions, it's a simple matter of will-power, right. RIGHT! I'm powerless when I'm near it. I think about it when I can't have it. I carry it everywhere I go in case I'll get a moment to indulge my passion. Has anyone guessed my secret shame?
No. Well they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So here goes nothing!
It's my kindle. I love it. Ha. There, I said it out loud. I LOVE MY KINDLE. Love it. Love. Love. Love. my kindle. Yes I do. In the one month since Christmas I have read approximately 6,000 yes, six thousand pages. I think my family is planning an intervention.
It's not like reading is a new passion for me. I've been reading as long as I can remember. Before I had kids I would devour books. I have lost whole weekends to my passion. So it should really come as no surprise to me that I love my kindle. I was prepared to love it. What I wasn't prepared for was my total and all-consuming addiction to it.
Before the kindle, I would have to actively seek out reading materials either at the library or bookstore. I don't even have to do that anymore. Thanks to the thoughful people in kindle development, I simply have to click on the button for the Kindle Store and I am immediately connected to over 800,000 titles. I browse through, select the book I'm most interested in, and click the BUY button. In less than 10 seconds I have a new book.
I need help. Seriously. I fight with my husband. I bargin with my children. Poor Emma wanted breakfast the other morning and I convinced with her to wait 20 minutes so I could use my kindle. What kind of mother does that? I'm a monster!
And I need to be stopped.